The time has come for my annual year-end recap. This has become my tradition mostly because at about this time each year, I suddenly begin to wonder if we actually did anything all year. It is almost funny how it happened like clockwork. I spent the whole year feeling like I was actually staying on top of things. I went in with a better plan than ever before, and I stuck with my plan more consistently than in the past. And yet, when May rolled around, I suddenly panicked, thinking that we must have wasted the whole year. "The math book isn't done! The science book isn't done! Lucian's phonics book isn't done! I don't know if Audrey and Edith learned anything all year!"
So now I will take a step back, take a deep breath, and take a look at the photographs I took throughout the year. We did some amazing learning this year, and all of the kids made leaps forward! I am so proud of all of them, no matter how many pages are left in our math book.
This year was the first year I let myself buy a math curriculum and a science program. I realized that with the chaos of five kids, three of whom are preschool or younger, I was dropping the ball on lesson planning week after week after week. I noticed Max was feeling frustrated with math, and I finally decided I didn't have the time or tools to teach him what he needed. So we invested in
Math-U-See, a hands-on math curriculum that speaks Max's language. Lucian too has been enjoying it, especially since there's enough of a workbook component to keep him interested. On top of that, we are still reading
Life of Fred, a series of fun math stories that make math relevant to real life.
We completed the second volume of our beloved history book,
Story of the World, which took us two whole years to get through! What an accomplishment that was. This was easily everyone's favorite subject this year, so I began a search for a science program that would have a similar feel, and I came across
Sassafras Science. We have only had it for a couple of months, but I think it has filled in the science-shaped hole in our curriculum in just the right way. Our schooling works best when it revolves around stories, and Sassafras Science (while not the highest quality literature...) is an engaging story about a brother and sister who go on a science adventure. It comes along with experiment ideas, workbook pages and lots of extras to expand on the chapter if we choose.
I think the most helpful addition to our school schedule this year was the simple act of putting a list of goals on our chalkboard. There are so many things I want to do each day that I often suffer from decision paralysis. When I forced myself to choose the top five items that should get done and write them in a conspicuous place, it became much easier to motivate myself when I had an actual box to check in a place where everyone could see it!
Our daily goals are as follows. If we do three of these items, I feel as if our day was a success. If we do all five, I feel like we hit it out of the park!
1. Morning Prayer/School: When I start playing our
School Song, the kids know it's time to gather. We begin with prayer and then I tell them the subject of the day. Usually this time is devoted to either math, science, or history, but on occasion we will bring something else in, like an art project or some poetry.
2. DEAR Time: Drop Everything And Read! It is exactly what it sounds like, and it is exactly as amazing as it sounds. As long as Blaise and Edith are napping...
3. 10 minute speed clean: I pick the room, we take a 'before' picture, we have a cleaning frenzy for 10 minutes, then we take an 'after' picture. If the pictures are different enough, they're done!
4. Read Aloud: If I could choose one list item to do, it would be this. We read aloud all the time. I realized just how much I read to the kids when I lost my voice for a week and had to figure out how to parent without being able to pick up a book. It was
5. Assignment List: I write up a list of independent assignments for the boys each day, including subjects like handwriting, math worksheets, assigned reading, and active items like jumping on the trampoline or going outside to bike.
D.E.A.R. outside in the sun |
On a good week, we get in probably 3 days of actual school. I have a hard time motivating myself to start in the morning, and I still have a baby and a toddler... so it seems like more often than not we just don't do
any of the things we're supposed to do! And some days I find myself hiding behind the couch because four out of five kids are trying to yell at me about something.
But writing down our ideal helps me remember that we actually do a lot. I am proud of what we have accomplished this year! I hope you enjoy the photo recap of our most photogenic school moments of the year.
Halloween candy science experiments |
Max drawing the Sistine Chapel ceiling |
Natural Science |
Stuffed Animal election |
Pattern Practice (She did learn something this year!) |
Learning about illuminated manuscripts |
Solar System Science |
Lucian teaching Audrey to count |
Moon Phase Oreos: always a favorite |
Cave Painting |
Cooking |
One of our favorite read-alouds of the year! |
We spent weeks conversing in Morse Code |
Claymation craze! |
Everyone loves playing the piano |
Floating egg science |
Many hours have been spent studying the world map in the dining room |
Chemistry made a comeback around here |
Library cards! Having his own card turned Lucian into a voracious reader overnight!
And of course: reading.
And reading.
Everywhere and anywhere to anyone
It melts my heart to see them enjoying this time together!
If I had nothing else to show for it, the bonds the kids are building with each other around reading together is worth every moment of stress and struggle that comes with homeschooling. I wouldn't change a thing.