My Beamish Brood

My Beamish Brood

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

And Then I Was Thirty

People have been asking me how I feel about being 30. My answer to everyone has been, "I have four kids! It's about time I got out of my 20's!" But seriously, I am very much ready for this next decade. I think back on how much has changed in the past ten years, from college to summer camp to meeting the man of my dreams and getting married to embarking on this crazy thing called motherhood. When I look at the next ten years I am a little relieved to know, at least in part, what's in store. The specifics, who knows? But my life has begun to take on some sense of routine, of predictability, and I'm all for that. I'm getting a handle on motherhood, and that feels good.

 Sure it's been messy sometimes

It's been crazy

It's been crowded

But those sweet, adoring glances make me glad that I have a lap full of kids.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Note: Poor baby Edith was sound asleep during this photo shoot. I wish she had been there, but I didn't have the heart to wake her! 


  1. I notice that that glass of wine by the manger becomes more visible with each photo

  2. Ha, Maureen! I think that's a good metaphor for my life :-)
